How to Clean Your VR Headset

November 09, 2021

Virtual reality headsets are becoming more popular than ever, with many people using them for gaming or educational purposes. However, after using your VR headset for a while, it is important to clean it to protect against dirt, sweat, and bacteria buildup.

In this guide, we will provide information on the best practices for cleaning your VR headset, as well as the recommended cleaning materials.

Step-by-Step Guide

The following steps should be followed to properly clean your VR headset:

1. Unplug your VR headset

Before you begin cleaning, safely remove or unplug your VR headset. This will avoid any electrical damage to the device while cleaning.

2. Remove any additional hardware

Remove any additional hardware, such as the face mask or controllers, before cleaning the headset.

3. Use a microfiber cloth

For light cleaning, a microfiber cloth is the best and most affordable option. This will remove any smudges, dust or small debris from the lenses and will not scratch the screen or lenses.

4. Use disinfectant wipes

When a microfiber cloth does not cut it, it’s suggested to use disinfectant wipes. Avoid using alcohol wipes. Instead, use a disinfectant wipe that is approved for electronic devices, which will kill 99.9% of bacteria and other germs.

5. Don't forget about the controllers

Follow the same cleaning steps for the controllers or any additional hardware that came with the headset. However, ensure to read the manufacturer's instructions specific to navigating the buttons on the controllers.

6. Clean regularly

Regular cleaning of your VR headset can help prevent buildup of dirt, bacteria, and sweat.

What Cleaning Materials Should Be Used?

When cleaning your VR headset, it’s important to use the right materials to avoid scratches or any other damage. Here are some recommended cleaning materials:

  • Microfiber cloth
  • Disinfectant Wipes


In conclusion, cleaning your VR headset is a vital process that should be done regularly to protect against dirt, sweat, and bacteria buildup. Follow the guide above on how to clean your VR headset and ensure to use the recommended cleaning materials to help your VR headset in good condition for longer.


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